


Hub Activities




Europlanet Society






Europlanet Society


Ground Based Telescopes



Planetary Sciences

in Spain and Portugal

Research Groups

Table of Planetary Research groups in Spain and Portugal

Location / Institution  Group / Contact   Description / Resources / Missions ...




Ciencias Planetarias

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Physics and dynamics of small solar system bodies 

Missions: Hera-Dart

Others projects: CFEPS, NEO-MAPP



Meteoritos, asteroides, cometas y ciencias planetarias

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Meteorites, Asteroids, Comets and Planetary Sciences

Infrastructure: Laboratory

Missions: Hera-Dart, Stardust, Hayabusa

Others projects: Red de Bólidos SPMN-FRIPON


Instituto de Técnicas Energéticas

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Meteorite Sample Analysis Laboratory

Infrastructure: Laboratory


Micro y Nanotecnologías

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Instrumentation development

Infrastructure: Instrumentation

Missions: MSL/REMS, Insight-TWINS, Mars2020/MEDA, LISA

Others projects: Europlanet, MiniPINS (ESA)


GAA - Grupo Astronomía y Astrofísica

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   Space missions: ground segment and payload


Grupo de Ciencias Planetarias

Agustín Sánchez Lavega


Atmospheres of planets and exoplanets

Missions: Mars Express/VMC, Venus Express/VMC/VIRTIS, JUICE/JANUS/MAJIS, JUNO, Cassini-Huyges, Mars2020/MEDA/SuperCam e Insight

Observatories-Instruments: PlanetCam, PlanetCam-NIR

Others projects: Europlanet, Aula Espazio Gela


Departamento de Química Analítica

Juan Manuel Madariaga


Meteorites and materials / instruments for space missions

Infrastructure: Laboratory

Missions: ExoMars/RLS, Mars2020/SuperCam



Celestial Mechanics

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Solar System Dynamics, Exoplanets, dynamical Systems, Planetary Physics, Tidal effects


Solar System Science

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Planetary geology of minor bodies of Solar System: Kuiper Belt, TNO, comets, NEOS, etc


Toward the detection and charaterization of other Earths

Nuno Peixinho / Pedro Lacerda


Minor bodies of the solar system/space debris



i-ASTRO Space Instrumentation for Astrophysics

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Space Instrumentation for Astrophysics

Infrastructure: Laboratory for Gamma-ray and X-ray instrumentation



Atmósferas Planetarias Terrestres

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Atmospheres of Earth, Mars, Venus, Titan and exoplanets


Observatories-Instruments: SATI, MIMA

Others projects: Europlanet, UPWARDS


Cuerpos Menores del Sistema Solar

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Asteroids, comets, trans-Neptunian objects, ...

Missions: Rosetta/OSIRIS/GIADA, Comet Interceptor

Observatories-Instruments: ESBO

Others projects: NEOS


Física Solar

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Heliophysics and solar magnetosphere

Missions: Solar Orbiter/PHI

Observatories-Instruments: EST, SUNRISE/IMaX+


Plasmas en Atmósferas Planetarias

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Lightning and transient electric discharges in the atmosphere and in the laboratory

Infrastructure: Laboratory


Observatories-Instruments: GRASSP, GALIUS, ORISON



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Giant planets, Titan, Mercury, comets

Infrastructure: Instrumentation

Missions: Bepi/BELA, JUICE/GALA/JANUS, Comet Interceptor/CoCa/MANIAC/EnVisS/OPIC, EnVision/VenSpec


Laboratorio de Polvo Cósmico

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Mineral dust and aerosols in atmospheres and comets

Infrastructure: Laboratory

Missions: Comet Interceptor/EnVisS


Unidad de Desarrollo Instrumental y Tecnológico

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Instrumentation, electronics, mechanics, optics, software, ...

Infrastructure: Instrumentation

Missions: TGO/NOMAD, Solar Orbiter/PHI

Observatories-Instruments: CARMENES, GRASSP, MEGARA, PANIC, Sunrise/IMAX


Meteoroides, Meteoritos y Cuerpos Menores

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Meteoroids, meteorites, and minor bodies

Missions: Lumio

Others projects: SMART, MIDAS, P3NEO-I

Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra
 Universidad de Granada

Laboratorio de Estudios Cristalográficos


Juan Manuel García Ruiz


Geomineralogia, cristalografía, astrobiología

Infrastructure: Laboratory

Missions: ExoMars Rosalind Franklin



Toward the detection and charaterization of other Earths

Pedro Machado


Solar System Planet atmospheres

Missions: Mars Express, Venus Express, Akatsuki, Cassini, Ariel

Observatories-Instruments: ESPRESSO/VLT, IRPS/ESO3.6m


The Astrobiology and Cosmochemistry Group (TACG)

Zita Martins



Astrobiology, Cosmochemistry, organic matter in meteorites, comets and asteroids 

Infrastucture: Laboratory

Missions: Hayabusa-2


SpaceRad - Space Radiation Environment

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Space Radiation Environment & Effects

Infrastructure: Radiation Instrumentation

MissionsBepi/BERM, Juice/RADEM


Earth Sciences

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Meteorology and atmospheric studies



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Geology - Compared Planetology


Imagen del escudo de la UAH  

Agua Clima y Medio Ambiente

Miguel Angel de Pablo Hernández


Martian geology and hidrology

Missions: Mars2020/MEDA/TIRS, ...


Biología Molecular

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Microbiology and Astrobiology

Missions: Mars Express



Geodinámica Planetaria

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Geodynamics, thermal structure and tectonics of planets and moons

Missions: Insight, Envision




Cálculo Fraccionario y Atmósfera de Marte

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Modeling and simulation of fractional calculation and atmosphere of Mars

Missions: MetNET-Meiga, Mars Express/Marsis, ...


Arquitectura de Sistemas Distribuidos

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Data computing systems

Missions: Mars Express/MARSIS/SPICAM, ExoMars TGO+RFM, Hope

Others projects: INTIME, EYE



Estrellas frías y exoplanetas

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Characterization of cold stars and exoplanets, spectroscopy

Missions: Kepler, K2, TESS, Gaia

Observatories-Instruments: CARMENES


Instituto de Geociencias

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Meteorite Research, Planetary Geosciences, Astrobiology

Missions: ExoMars, Mars2020, MSL



Joint Center for Ultraviolet Astronomy (JCUVA)

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Ultraviolet study of planets and exoplanets

Infrastructure: Instrumentation

Missions: WSO-UV Space Telescope


Área de Geología

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Planetary geology and astrobiology on terrestrial planets



Instituto Universitario de Microgravedad

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Development of space technology and instrumentation

Infrastructure: Instrumentation

Missions: ExoMars TGO/NOMAD, Rosetta/OSIRIS; Solar Orbiter/PHI, EPD; ARIEL

Observatories-Instruments: SUNRISE/IMAX+

Others projects: UPMSat-2


Instrumentación Espacial

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Space Instrumentation

Infrastructure: Instrumentation

Missions: MSL, ExoMars, Insight, Mars2020

Others projects: EuroPlanet, MiniPINS (ESA)


Geología Planetaria y Atmósferas

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Planetary habitability. Mineralogy, geochemistry and geodynamics

Infrastructure: Laboratory

Missions: ExoMars/RLS, Mars2020/MEDA, JUICE, MMX/RAX, DART-Hera


Biomoléculas en Exploración Planetaria

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Detection of molecular biomarkers by bio-affinity

Infrastructure: Laboratory

Missions: SOLID, IceBreaker, LMC (ExoMars)


Habitabilidad y Ambientes Extremos

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Habitability and Extreme Environments

Infrastructure: Laboratory

Missions: ExoMars, MSL, Mars2020

Others projects: Europlanet


Medio Interestelar y Circunestelar

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Astrochemistry and interstellar, protoplanetary, lunar and cometary ice analogs

Infrastructure: Laboratory

Missions: JUICE, Rosetta


Formación y Evolución de Estrellas, Enanas Marrones y Planetas

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Formation and Evolution of Stars, Brown Dwarfs and Planets

Observatories-Instruments: CARMENES


Observatorio Virtual

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Scientific exploitation of astronomical archives

Others projects: SVO


Biomoléculas en superficies

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Biomolecules on surfaces under planetary simulation conditions

Infrastructure: laboratory

Others projects: Planetary Simulation Chamber - PASC



Ingeniería de Sensores Espaciales

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Development of space instrumentation, small satellites and exploration probes

Infrastructure: Instrumentation

Missions: Mars2020, ExoMars2016, ExoMars2022, MetNet

Others projects: MiniPINS (ESA), MarsConnect (INTA)



Magnetismo Espacial

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Magnetometry, planetary magnetic mineralogy and characterization of magnetic signature

Infrastructure: Instrumentation

Missions: ExoMars2022/AMR, Bepi Colombo, Meiga-MetNet



Óptica Espacial

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Instrumentation and research in space optics

Infrastructure: Instrumentation

Missions: Rosetta, Bepi C., ExoMars2016/Dreams, Meiga-MetNet, Ariel, Echo, JWST/MIIRI, SO-PHI, ...


Programas Espaciales

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Raman/LIBS spectroscopic instrumentation for planetary exploration

Infrastructure: Instrumentation




Área de Investigación e Instrumentación Atmosférica (AIIA)

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Physical-chemical investigation of the terrestrial and martian atmosphere

Infrastructure: Laboratory

Missions: Mars2020/RDS, Exomars 2022/SIS


Laboratorio Radiacion y Bioclimatologia

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Astrobiología, bioindicadores, supervivencia en condiciones extremas (Espacio, Marte)

Infrastructure: Laboratory

Others projects: EXO-ISS 2027


Instituto de Estructura de la Materia

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Ice lab, infrared spectroscopy, chemistry

Infrastructure: Laboratory



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Plasma and magnetosphere

Missions: SOHO, Solar Orbiter, Bepi Colombo, Cluster,



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Ice on frozen moons (Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, ...)

Missions: JUICE, Cassini-Huygens



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Exploration of Mars, surface and atmosphere

Missions: Mars Express, Trace Gas Orbiter, ExoMars



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Mercury surface spectroscopy

Missions: Bepi Colombo, Messenger


Pequeños Cuerpos

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Asteroids, comets, and cometary dust

Missions: Rosetta, HERA




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Martian environment and materials analysis laboratory and instrumentation

Infrastructure: Laboratory

Missions: Mars2020/SuperCam


Universidad de Oviedo



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Planetary System detection and characterisation

Universidad de Oviedo


MapPlaneST - SIGUEMars

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  Planetary cartography with remote sensing and spectroscopy
La Palma        



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Near Earth Asteroids

Others projects: EuroNear



Toward the detection and charaterization of other Earths

Nuno Santos



Exoplanet research and Solar System Planet atmospheres


Observatories-Instruments: ESPRESSO@VLT, future NIRPS, SPIROU@CFHT, HIRES@ELT

Others projects: SWEET-Cat


Instrumentation and systems

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Development of new instrumentation

Infrastructure: Laboratory


Observatories-Instruments: ESPRESSO@VLT, future NIRPS,  HIRES@ELT, 


Planetary Sciences

Teresa Monteiro Seixas


Climatology, Meteorites and Asteroids, modelling of reflectance spectra



Ciencia y Tecnología del Plasma y el Espacio

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Dinámica Atmosférica de planetas del Sistema Solar





Pequeños Cuerpos del Sistema Solar

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Small bodies and objects close to the ground

Missions: OSIRIS-REx, Gaia, JWST, Euclid, Hera/Dart, CASTALIA, CASTAway, Hayabusa2

Observatories-Instruments: GTC/OSIRIS/EMIR, NOT/ALFOSC, TNG/NICS, INT/IDS,...



Exoplanetas y AstrobiologíaThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Exoplanets and astrobiology

Missions: CoRoT, Kepler, K2, CHEOPS, XO, WFC, PLATO, ARIEL, TESS

Observatories-Instruments: CARMENES, GTC / OSIRIS / EMIR / HORUS, WHT / LIRIS, HARPSN, LCOGT, ...


Área de Instrumentación

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Space instrumentation and telescopes

Infrastructure: Instrumentation (optical, electronic, mechanical, SW, space and terrestrial)

Missions: Marco Polo-R/THERMAP, Solar Orbiter/SOPHI, Euclid-NISP, PLATO, ISS/IRCAM, ...

Observatories-Instruments: GTC, GREGOR, WHT, VTT, TIP II, SUNRISE/IMaX

Others projects: CTA, NRT, EST, ELT, OPTICON, OGS, TTNN



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Space research and telescopes

Infrastructure: Laboratory (Optical, electronic, mechanical, SW, space and terrestrial)


Observatories-Instruments: TCS/MuSCAT2, TCS/FastCam, IAC80/CAMELOT2, IAC80/CARONTE




Variabilidad en J-PLUS

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Spectrophotometric analysis of variable objects in J-PLUS mapping

Observatories-Instruments: JAST80/Javalambre

Others projects: Javalambre-Time Domain (J-TD)



Centro de Tecnologías Físicas

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Ice and solid characterization laboratory

Infrastructure: Laboratory




Espectroscopía Raman e Infrarroja

Guillermo Lopez-Reyes
Fernando Rull


Cosmogeochemistry and Astrobiology with Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy

Infrastructure: Laboratory

Missions: ExoMars/RLS, Mars2020/SuperCam, MMX/RAX

Others projects: H2020-Compet “PTAL” (Planetary Terrestrial Analogue Library)




Agrupación Aeroespacial - SpaceLab

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Development of space technology for satellites

Infrastructure: Small satellites

Missions: Comet Interceptor



Astronomía e Astrofísica

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Cultural astronomy, observational astrophysics and databases

Missions: Gaia



Geoquímica Planetaria

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Geochemistry of Mars: modeling, mineralogy, laboratory analogs

Missions: MSL/CheMin



Geodinámica Planetaria

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Mars Geology: geomorphological mapping, spectroscopy & subsurface analysis