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Oferta Empleo/Beca

Título:  One Postdoctoral Contract Primitive Objects of the Solar System 2023 (PS-2023-073)

Centro:  Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias

Tipo:  Postdoctoral


The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on the project linked to the line of research “Small bodies of the Solar System: primitive objects”. The contract is funded by the project “Hidrated minerals and organic compound in promitive - MinHiCAP” (PID2020-120464GB-I100) lead by Dr. Dr. Javier Licandro and Dr. Julia de León.

Research topics at the IAC include most areas of astrophysics: Solar Physics (FS), Exoplanetary System and Solar System (SEYSS), Stellar and Interstellar Physics (FEEI), The Milky Way and The Local Group (MWLG), Formation and Evolution of Galaxies (FYEG), and Cosmology and Astroparticles (CYA-CTA). All of these are supported by an ambitious instrumentation programme. In 2020, the IAC was granted by the Spanish Government the status of Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence, a prestigious recognition awarded for the third time to the IAC as a leading research institute in Spain. Further information about the IAC's research programme, its Observatories and the 10.4m GTC is available at the IAC's web page:

Tasks: The successful candidate will pursue research in the following fields:

  • Compositional characterization of small primitive bodies from the analysis of spectroscopic and photometric data, from the near-ultraviolet to the infrared wavelengths
  • Scientific exploitation of the spectral data of small bodies provided by Gaia and spectro-photometric data of these objects provided by LSST, ESA-Euclid, J-PLUS (and similar surveys)
  • Scientific exploitation of mid- and near-infrared spectroscopic data of small primitive bodies obtained with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) in the projects in which Solar System Group is involved. Preparation of new observational proposals for these objects for the JWST and for other telescopes in the Canary Islands Observatories in support of these observations, analysis and scientific exploitation of the data obtained.
  • Scientific exploitation of the data obtained by space missions that have visited primive small bodies (i.e. OSIRIS-REx, Hayabusa2, etc.)

Particular attention will be paid to applicants with experience in the field of spectroscopy of small bodies in the Solar System at different wavelengths and in the exploitation of large astronomical databases.

Requirements: The candidates must have an excellent research record, commensurate with the duration of their research career. They must be in possession of a Ph.D. degree in Astrophysics or Physics by the application deadline. Candidates who have not received their doctorate before the deadline will not be admitted to the selection process. Applicants who prepared their thesis at the IAC have to present accreditations of complementary training at other research centers (this period should be either 1 continuous year or 18 accumulated months) by the application deadline. The IAC is an equal-opportunity employer. We encourage, in particular, applications by women and by members of minorities.