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ESA Graduate Trainee positions have been advertised at .

There are >100 vacancies listed all across ESA for 1 year of employment at ESA sites, often extendable to 2 years, for graduates with Masters-level qualification.

Some of the posts relevant to Mars missions include:
Mars Orbiting Missions Operations Unit (ESOC, DE)
Systems Engineering for a Mars Precision Lander (ESTEC, NL)
Planetary Radio Occultation (ESTEC, NL)
ExoMars/Rosalind Franklin Mass Spectrometry Instrument Optimisation (ESTEC, NL)
Machine Learning & Accessibility for Space Science (ESAC, ES)
Positioning, Navigation and Timing for Lunar Mars Exploration (ESTEC, NL)
Human and Robotic Exploration Programme Management Support (ESTEC, NL)
Simulant Research and Development (Vulcan Facility) (ECSAT, UK)
Development and Integration of Tools for Supporting Field Science Activities (ESTEC, NL)
Science Mission Payload Preparation (ESTEC, NL)

More information at

Application deadline is 7 March.


Título:  IAA offers eight positions within the La Caixa INPHINIT program


Tipo:  Predoctoral


The IAA-CSIC offers 8 positions in the new call of the La Caixa INPHINIT-Incoming Doctoral Scholarship Programme:

- Establishing the stages of planet formation
- Computer science and small objects in our solar system
- Habitable exoplanets in the Solar System Neighbourhood
- Star Formation History of Galaxies in Clusters: Triggering and Quenching the Star Formation
- Spatially-Resolved Star Formation Rates and Efficiency in HI Gas-Rich Disk Galaxies
- Machine learning approach to the inverse light scattering problem by major airborne aerosol particles in the earth atmosphere: volcanic ash, desert dust and pollen
- Habitable Worlds Quest
- Unveiling the shaping of infant nova remnants

The program seeks to attract the best young researchers willing to pursue PhD studies in STEM disciplines at research centers accredited with the Spanish Seal of Excellence Severo Ochoa, Maria de Maeztu or Health Institute Carlos III. The INPhINIT fellowships offer a highly competitive salary and complementary training opportunities making these fellowships some of the most attractive and complete in Europe.Applications should be directly submitted to 'La Caixa' Foundation through the INPhINIT-INCOMING website.

País:  España


Título:  Beca predoctoral: enanas marones y exoplanetas en ondas de radio

Centro:  Universitat de València

Tipo:  Predoctoral


(english version below)

Beca predoctoral: enanas marones y exoplanetas en ondas de radio-

La Universitat de València anuncia un contrato predoctoral relacionado con el proyecto de investigación "From exoplanets to black holes: exploring the cosmic frontiers at the highest resolution". El contrato está financiado por la Generalitat Valenciana.

La persona contratada realizará trabajos de investigación dirigidos a una tesis doctoral en el campo de la radio emisión de objetos de estrellas de baja masa, enanas marrones y exoplanetas por medio de observaciones con radiointerferómetros.

Las solicitudes se deben enviar electrónicamente por medio de una aplicación web propia de la UV (ver enlace abajo). Fecha límite de envío de solicitudes: 1 de diciembre de 2023.

Contactar con Jose Carlos Guirado (Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.) para posterior información acerca de los aspectos científicos de la plaza o preguntas relacionadas con el proceso de solicitud.


PhD fellowship: brown dwarfs and exoplanets at radio wavelengths

The University of Valencia (Spain) announces ONE predoctoral contract to work on the project linked to the line of research "From exoplanets to black holes: exploring the cosmic frontiers at the highest resolution". The contract is co-financed by the Generalitat Valenciana.

The successful candidate will pursue PhD research in the field of radio emission of low-mass stars, brown dwarfs and exoplanets using radio interferometers.

Applications must be sent electronically via the web-based application system (see link below). Application deadline: Dec 1st, 2023

Contact: For further information about the scientific aspects of this opening, or questions related with the application process, please contact Jose Carlos Guirado (Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.)