


Europlanet Society

Planetary Sciences

in Spain and Portugal


Hub Activities








Ground Based Telescopes


Europlanet Society



Europlanet PROAM Training Workshop in Calar Alto Observatory

From June 2 to 5, 2023, a face-to-face workshop has been held at the Calar Alto Astronomical Observatory, organized and paid for by Europlanet, on the use and observation through the Europlanet Telescope Network and, specifically in this case, with the 1.23 m from Calar Alto. The fundamental objective of the workshop, directed by Ricardo Hueso and Itziar Gárate (UPV/EHU), has been to familiarize the participants with the operation of this telescope, and the instrumentation associated with it, in order to facilitate access to these resources of the Europlanet Telescope Network by the amateur community.

 1.23 m telescope (Calar Alto)    3.5 m telescope (Calar Alto)


The participants in the workshop, a total of 16 amateurs (Spain and Portugal) selected with the collaboration of the Iberian Hub of the Europlanet Society among relevant amateurs in planetary sciences, have shared experiences and have been able to make observations in two time windows with a total of 4.5 hours that the clear sky has allowed during these days.

The observation objects, two comets and several asteroids, had been previously selected based on their astrometric interest and other particular conditions inherent to them.


The workshop program has included a daytime session on the Europlanet Telescope Network, but most of the activities have been carried out during the nights of these days with observations and practices with the 1.23 m telescope and the Andor iKon-XL 230 camera, installed a few days before and that had not yet been characterized, something that could be done to a large extent during the course of the workshop.