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Postdoctoral contract in science of small solar system bodies - Comet Interceptor (ESA-JAXA) mission

The Solar System Department of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía-CSIC ( (Granada, Spain) is offering a postdoctoral research position in the TECHSS group led by Luisa Lara. Our research group focuses on observational and theoretical studies related to Solar System Formation being intensely involved (at Co-PI and Co-I level) in the technical development and scientific exploitation of instrumentation on board different space missions, such as Bepi-Colombo (ESA-JAXA), EnVision (ESA), and Comet Interceptor (ESA-JAXA).

We seek an outstanding candidate with experience in the science of small solar system bodies, either theoretical or observational, to take a leading role in our team in cometary science-related research. In particular, the successful candidate is expected to actively participate, in collaboration with group members, in the research associated with the preparation and exploitation of the Comet Interceptor mission, in which our group is involved in the development of four instruments (CoCa, MANIaC, OPIC, and EnVisS).

The post will remain open until filled, expecting candidate incorporation as early as possible. The initial contract will last up to the end of our current funded research project, 31st of August 2026, with a total duration depending on the incorporation date.

Interested candidates can send his/her CV and a brief description of his/her research interest to Luisa Lara (Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.). Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or necessary information about the offered contract.